Practice closed due to COVID-19? 5 steps to protect it.

Practice closed due to COVID-19? 5 steps to protect it.

If your healthcare or wellness practice is closed right now, you are not alone. 96% of small businesses are impacted by COVID-19. Half do not believe they can stay in business under these conditions for another three months. Due to mass layoffs, economic stagnation, taxes and accelerating unemployment, cash-strapped clients will defer all unnecessary expenses. While…

Bad patient reviews ruin your practice. Get 20 scripts to fix.

Bad patient reviews ruin your practice. Get 20 scripts to fix.

The internet is truly magic. But all magic comes with a price. And its price in healthcare is the hordes of internet trolls leaving bad patient reviews that puts Tolkien’s fiction to shame. These trolls are meaner than anything Bilbo encountered. It is impossible to avoid them. For example, even the very best restaurants in…