We use a custom Google Analytics Dashboard to share your monthly website key performance indicators.

Please check back regularly, as we are constantly improving our dashboards, modules and this guide to make them more useful to you.

Total Estimated Business Value

What is it?

Roughly estimates tangible value in dollars earned from conversions from your website based on the average CLV of a primary care appointment in the United States. This figure only represents a fraction of the value that your digital presence offers your business. It does not include business from calls, increased retention, or goodwill brand value earned, for example.

How to improve?

To increase, network in your local area, create educational digital content, advertise or improve your newsletter.

Good/Bad Ratings

What is it?

Measures ratings captured through your website’s feedback form. “Good Ratings Earned” counts the number of five star ratings left on your site that were then redirected to a public digital profile (i.e. Facebook Reviews). “Bad Ratings Mitigated” counts the number of one to four star ratings left on your site privately.

How to improve?

To increase, encourage clients to leave you feedback through an email survey or direct patients to leave you feedback on your site after every appointment.

Contacts & Intake Streamlined

What is it?

Counts the number of digital messages or forms completed that would have otherwise consumed your attention real-time. Moving repeatable activities to your website allows you to reduce the cost or time of routine activities through automation. It also allows you to gather more data on what you need to improve.

How to improve?

To increase, encourage people to contact you through your website and get back to them within an hour after they reach out. Ensure your most common forms and processes are digitized and available on your website.

All Leads Won

What is it?

Shows the locations on your website that are creating the most tangible new business. You may wish to reinvest in those lead magnets that are generating the most goal completions.

How to improve?

To increase, reinvest in those “completion locations” that have the highest count by directing more business to them (advertising, social media focus, etc). If you do not have a high-performing “completion location”, it is time to brainstorm new creative offers and campaigns for your clients. This can be anything that gets your clients or patients in front of you.